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No cardboard labels. No brand mark.

In a spirit of maximum sobriety, we have chosen at this stage to minimize our waste in terms of packaging. Two of the least useful things, the cardboard label and the brand name, which in 99.9% of cases end up in the trash. You should know that these little pieces of cardboard or fabric, often produced inexpensively in Asia, travel a lot for nothing and add to the final price. So in an environmental concern, we decided to do without it.

Composition and care labels

Mandatory, these labels are often made of polyester and sub-processed. Always with an ecological concern and for a fair price, our labels are printed on our fabric scraps, directly in the factory that manufactures the product.

Ethical and reusable product packaging

All our product packaging is designed to secure your orders and be pleasant to open, while limiting the impact on the environment as much as possible.

The tissue paper in which we wrap our products is reusable for your future gifts to wrap, decorate your party venues or even for creative hobbies.

As it is important for us to thank each of you, we slip you a little “card” in each order. This comes in different forms and we find in each collection a new idea so that you can reuse it.

From production to recycling, single-use parcel packaging is neither good for us nor for the planet. Often too big, they take up space in our cupboards and clutter up our garbage cans.

So to remedy this we called on Hipli !

The reusable package almost everywhere in Europe.
100 uses, - 25kg of waste, - 83% carbon impact. Their daily mission: to avoid waste due to e-commerce shipments.
Two modes of reuse: sending a package or returning by post. How it works ? Log on to the Hipli app or their website and they will tell you everything.


Comparative LCA of a reusable e-commerce solution with reference solutions in the textile sector.


Since July 2022, we are members of Fashiongreenhub. An association that brings together all the players in ecological, ethical and circular fashion.
In March 2023, we joined the Band Of Sisters community made up of more than 200 creative and committed women.