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Made in France

with the aim of a circular fashion and to re-energize French know-how.

In natural fibers, and mainly organic, all our products are made in France.

Natural fibers for responsible fashion. Both natural and organic, they are not treated with chemicals or other products that can be harmful to us and our planet. For example, organic cotton is grown without GMOs, chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Its water consumption is greatly reduced compared to conventional cotton.

GOTS standard

(Global Organic Textile Standard) is a worldwide standard for organic fibres, which includes ecological and social criteria and is based on independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.

Oeko-Tex label

Oeko-Tex is a quality label comprising several technical standards, aimed at certifying the sanitary and ecological qualities of textiles and leather, by guaranteeing the absence of toxic products for the body and the environment.

Our manufacturers

Agile Workshop

Located in the North, Atelier Agile is a design and manufacturing workshop designed to offer fashion on demand. The collections are manufactured there in a short circuit and in successive series.
An innovative workshop for a radical change of model that reconciles economy and ecology, while creating jobs. We manufacture our collections of ready-to-wear and household linen with printed patterns, on 100% GOTS and Oeko-tex certified organic cotton. We try to favor weaving also made in France when possible as much as possible.
In order to minimize the loss of fabric, we only print the pieces that make up our product. The scraps of fabric are then sent back to the manufacturer to be recycled or used for our products such as small presentation pouches for scrunchies.

The 3 Knitters

A few steps away are Les 3 Tricoteurs. As its name suggests, it is a small knitting workshop made up of 3 textile engineers who want to participate in the reindustrialization of the sector. Concerned about the environment, they join our desire for a world where players in the textile industry produce via local ecosystems so that consumers can have access to products designed to last, which look like them, and which respect the planet. . These are our sock makers! Knitted in Cotton-Polyamide-Elastane yarn. Organic cotton, spun and dyed in Italy, GOTS certified.

De Fil en Crochet

Puis tout à l’Ouest, nous  retrouvons Maud. Artisane autodidacte et artiste dans l'âme, à tout juste 53 ans, elle se lance dans une reconversion textile. Une femme qui démarre dans l’entreprenariat, comme nous! Soucieuse de l’environnement et tournée vers le consommer moins et mieux, son travail est manuel et minutieux. C'est avec elle que nous développons tous nos produits de crochet, fabriqués avec des fils en fibres naturelles, dont du coton certifié OEKO-TEX.

Yarn to Crochet

Then all to the West, we find Maud. Self-taught craftsman and artist at heart, at just 53 years old, she embarked on a textile reconversion. A woman starting out in entrepreneurship, like us! Concerned about the environment and focused on consuming less and better, her work is manual and meticulous. It is with her that we develop all our crochet products, made with natural fiber yarns, including OEKO-TEX certified cotton.

La Fabrique NOMADE

En 2016, Inès Mesmar fonde La Fabrique NOMADE, une association qui agit pour l’insertion professionnelle des artisans
d’art réfugiés et migrants disposant d'un titre de séjour et d'une autorisation de travail en France. Des femmes et des hommes passionnés, dotés
d’un savoir-faire acquis dans leur pays d’origine, qui rencontrent en France de nombreux freins à leur insertion professionnelle en tant qu’artisan.
 Elle développe une activité
de fabrication sur-mesure pour répondre aux besoins des entreprises et des marques en créant le premier atelier d'insertion dédié aux Métiers d'art
à Paris à destination de couturiers, bijoutiers et brodeurs.
Cet atelier s’adresse aux
marques et entreprises engagées dans la mode durable et propose des prestations de prototypage et de fabrication de manière locale, solidaire
et éco-responsable à Paris.
L’association a formé 80 artisans, représentant plus de 22
savoir-faire, issus de 33 pays du monde.
Valoriser les compétences des personnes qui arrivent sur
notre territoire, c’est enrichir notre société, soutenir son développement et
permettre aux artisans de trouver leur juste place dans la société.